Peace Club
“Peace Club” is an initiative that was implemented between November 2020 and October 2021 by Dancers Citizens South in partnership with “Search for Common Ground” and “The Youth National Observatory”. With a strong focus on art and citizenship, the club
DCS Urban Nursery
Creation of an urban incubator for cultural entrepreneurship to pave the way for young people and women to invest their capacities in the artistic and cultural fields in order to create a dynamic energy on a regional scale using modern
Points Against Racial Discrimination est un projet socioculturel sous la supervision de l’association Danseurs Citoyens Sud en partenariat avec
Youth Tounsi
A cultural and social development project implemented in 2020 as part of the program "solidarity for Mediterranean youth" funded by the Fondation de France. It is to create a cultural incubator in Gabes: An artistic cultural center for young people.Training workshops
Creation of a network of relations in all the states of Gabes, Sfax, Medenine and Tataouine to raise awareness among women and youth in rural areas of the importance of their role in the elections. Main Activities: A course on citizen journalism.Produce
Next Génération
Next Generation is a socio-cultural project funded by the UNDP. This project aims to: Re-attracting young people to the youth center of the delegation of Mareth in the governorate of Gabes Establish close links between the youth center and the civil society of
ASSOCIATION DANSEURS CITOYENS SUD Danseurs Citoyens Sud is a cultural association, independent for a nonprofit purpose. believes in its skills to organize and look at the sector of street arts and to raise awareness favorably the cultural and artistic image
LEBLAD is a cultural project financed by the Euro Med which aims to enhance the Tunisian cultural heritage through street art and hip-hop culture through street theater (music, dance and theater). 20 talents will be selected and trained for 3