Artistic Bootcamp – Tbelbou 2021
DCS, in collaboration with the International Minority Rights Group and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs, orchestrated an artistic bootcamp in Gabes from 14th to 19th June 2021, as part of the visionary C’ART project.
At the core of this innovative camp lay a noble objective: to empower and nurture the artistic talents of young women and men in the fields of dance, theater, and music. With unwavering support, the camp sought to mentor and guide these young artists, fostering their skills and igniting their creative flames.
The ultimate goal of the camp was no ordinary feat—it aspired to weave together a 20-minute masterpiece. This extraordinary work of art was designed to echo a profound message, a rallying cry for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers in Tunisia. The young artists, inspired by their experiences and fueled by compassion, aimed to illuminate the struggles and dreams of those whose voices are often unheard.
The camp became a melting pot of diverse cultures and perspectives, harmoniously blending creativity and advocacy. Through collaborative efforts and the exchange of ideas, the participants embarked on a transformative journey, transcending the boundaries of art and becoming advocates for social change.