Danseurs Citoyens Sud

115 Avenue Mohamed Ali, 6000 Gabes, Tunisia

contact (at) o-dcs.org

Danseurs Citoyens Sud

VR Experience Artistic Residency

As a core part of Misahat Noon 02 project, which aims to combat all forms of racial discrimination based on color, a new experiment using virtual reality technology is being conducted.

This experiment is led by a group of experts: Mr. Cherif Khalifa, an engineer specializing in artificial intelligence; Mr. Mohamed Arbi Soualhia, a specialist in virtual reality technologies; and Ms. Fatma Ghedira, a specialist in social psychology.

Additionally, the dancers Ameni Chatti and Omayma Messadi participated in the experience with the assistance of the dancer and choreographer Ilyes Triki.

The artistic residency concluded with the production of a dance artwork that will be showcased within the context of the experiment.

By integrating artistic media with virtual reality technologies, the physiological state of the participants will be monitored through a device that records their reactions while watching a 360-degree video.

Comment: 1
  • Mindy Lester
    3 months ago

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