Training camp for the preparation of the Tunisian State’s letter of recommendation for migrants
The Association of Southern Citizens Dancers organized a training camp to prepare a letter of recommendation for the Tunisian StateMigrants, migrant women and asylum seekers in Tunisia. From Thursday 1st April 2021 until Saturday 3rd April 2021 at the No Name Model Cultural Center. DCS #PAD #CART #MRG #DCS_202
Project Management and Cultural Initiatives
The Association of South Citizens Dancers organized an artistic academy on project management and cultural initiatives from 18 December until 20th December 2020 with a ambitious accreditation from Gabes State. This academy was designed to accompany artists and provide them with basic techniques for project management and cultural initiatives. Youth_Tounsi #DCS #FDF #DCS_2020
Training course on migrants’ rights in Tunisia
The Association of South Citizens Dancers organized a training course on migrants' rights in Tunisia on Sunday, November 22, 2020 by Gabes.#DCS #CART #PAD #MRG #DCS_2020#
The short documentary “Gabes city”
The South Citizen Dancers Association organized the first show of the short documentary "Gabes city" on Monday, September 30, 2020, in the presence of a group of artists and civil society activists.
This camp enhances the abilities of young people in the disciplines of contemporary dance and street theater under the supervision of a number of professional artists.
Economic, social and cultural empowerment of migrants and asylum seekers
The Association of Southern Citizens Dancers organized dialogue sessions and worked with representatives of public institutions, international organizations and activists on the economic, social and cultural empowerment of migrants and asylum seekers in Tunisia.
Training workshop on social solidarity economy
The Association of South Citizens Dancers organized a formative workshop on social solidarity economy with Mr. Hussein Al-Rahili 16 Feb 2020.Fondation de FranceDanseurs Citoyens Sud Youth_Tounsi #DCS #DCS_2020
Training workshop on how to invest in the cultural sector
Training Workshop in Culture Management and Production Invited by the Danseurs Citoyens Sud Association in February 2020, Seif Eddine Jlassi led this workshop focused on the pivotal role of arts and culture in society in our cultural centre in Gabes. The training provided our artists network with skills development in effective culture management, artistic and creative entrepreneurship, collaborative artistic production and the transformative impact of cultural initiatives. Seif Eddine Jlassi is the Founder and President of the prominent cultural organisation, Fanni Raghman Anni and a highly accomplished artist, activist, and cultural practitioner with a strong focus on using art as a means for social change and education.
This camp aims to strengthen the abilities of young women and young men in the Performing Arts "Dance, Theater, Music" and accompany them.In the production of a 20-minute work of art that advocates for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers in Tunisia.
[C’ART] Press Conference
ART is a project on the fight against all kinds of racial discrimination in Tunisia and more specifically in Sfax, Gabes and Djerba. We will then have three ambassadors in our three Anti-Discrimination Points "PADs" to the three governorates that will take care of welcoming, identifying, orienting and documenting the cases of racial discrimination of sub-Saharan living in Tunisia.We will also provide psychological services and legal advice to victims. This project is supported by: Minority Rights Group International European Union Damj Points Anti-Discriminations Tunisia