الراقصون المواطنون الجنوب هي منظمة تهدف من خلال برامجها إلى دمج الشباب في الحياة العامة، ودعم ثقافة الحوار بينهم، وتعزيز قدراتهم الفنية في قطاعي الفنون الأدائية والبصرية.

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نعتز كثيرا بإبراز الموهبة والمبدعين/ات الاستثنائيين/ات الذين/اللوات شاركوا/ت في أنشطتنا.
  • فرح جبنون هي طالبة تدرس بالسنة الثانية إجازة في الفنون التشكيلية اختصاص رسم زيتي في المعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بڨابس ، شاركت السنة الفارطة في معرض جماعي

  • أحلام هي خريجة المعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس اختصاص رسم زيتي وماجستير المهني اختصاص خزف. تهوى الاكتشاف والتجارب الفنية المعاصرة . و قامت سابقا بالمشاركة في معرض

  • آمنة هي فنانة ناشئة أصيلة ولاية سيدي بوزيد وتبلغ من العمر 22 سنة، تدرس بالمعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بڨابس اختصاص رسم زيتي و تهتم بكل ما له علاقة بالفن

  • وصال مسيليني هي طالبة في السنة ثانية اختصاص رسم زيتي بالمعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس

  • أماني عثمان هي طالبة تدرس بالسنة الثانية في معهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس تخصص رسم زيتي. تعتبر أماني الفن بمثابة وسيلة للتعبير عن الأفكار والمشاعر بطريقة بصرية

  • وداد الغانمي هي طالبة بالسنة الثانية إجازة في الفنون التشكيلية اختصاص رسم زيتي في المعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بڨابس، تحصلت على إجازتها الأولى في الترجمة والدبلجة من كلية الآداب

  • نور بودقة، أصيلة ولاية المنستير و طالبة بالمعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس تخصص رسم زيتي وحاصلة على شهادة ماجيستير بحث في نظريات الابداع. مثّل كل من الرسم والخياطة

  • سنية بن عمار هي طالبة تدرس بالسنة الثانية إجازة في الفنون التشكيلية إختصاص رسم زيتي. شاركت في السنة الفارطة في معرض فنية في رواق المعهد العالي للفنون الحرف

  • محمد أيوب غليس هو شخص فضولي للغاية يحب تعلم أشياء جديدة و يهتم بفن التجريب. بدأت رحلته الفنية مع الفوتوشوب عندما كان في المدرسة الإعدادية

  • نور العين النجار هي فنانة ناشئة أصيلة قرية ڨلّالة في جزيرة جربة. تعمل على مزج تقاليد قريتها مع الحياة الحضرية في تونس، أين تدرس الهندسة المعمارية. بتبنيها لبيئتها المحافظة

  • معتز عبد الرحيم هو مواطن تونسي شاب حاصل على شهادة في تصميم المنتجات من المعهد العالي للفنون الجميلة في تونس. كانت تجربته الأولى في الفنون من خلال المسرح

  • محمد عمر المسعودي هو طالب في القانون، صانع محتوى، ومصور ناشئ. لديه حب عميق للطبيعة ويستمتع بالتقاط جمالها من خلال الفيديوهات السينمائية

  • راية الرباعي هي طالبة في اختصاص الهندسة المعمارية وُلدت في فرنسا، وترعرعت بين صفاقس والكاب بون، وقضت مراهقتها في سوسة، ثم استقرت في تونس لمواصلة مشوارها

  • محمد هارون بوطيّب هو طالب في كلية الهندسة المعمارية يبلغ من العمر 24 عاما. تعوّد على استخدم الفن كوسيلة لنقل رؤاه، أفكاره، ومشاريعه من خلال الفيديوهات، الكولاجات

  • أشرف مرزوق هو مصور فوتوغرافي و خريج اختصاص فنون بصرية يستمتع باستكشاف العالم من حوله. على مدار السنوات الخمس الماضية، شارك في العديد من الفعاليات

  • ياسين البردعة هو مشروع فنان ولد في عام 2005 بصفاقس، تونس. يعمل على استكشاف أنماط فنية مختلفة، خصوصا في مجالات الفنون الأدائية والبصرية. من خلال تجاربه، يسعى ياسين

  • يسر السماوي، هي طالبة مولعة بالفن، بدأت رحلتها في عالم الرقص منذ نعومة أظافرها، وهو ما دفعها إلى اختيار تخصص الهندسة المعمارية. شملت مسيرتها الأكاديمية

  • غسان هو طالب هندسة كومبيوتر يتميز بشغفه بالفنون السمعية والبصرية. بدأ مشواره كيوتوبر ثم حضر العديد من الفعاليات، منغمسًا في عالم الإنتاج السمعي البصري

  • خدوجة هي جزء من فريق INTERFERENCE، مسؤولة عن العلاقات العامة و الرصد و التقييم. تعمل حاليًا كمتخصصة في الجيوماتيك، وانضمت إلى INTERFERENCE في عام 2022 خلال

  • ياسين ثابت هو مصمم جرافيك وفنان ناشئ. قدّم أعماله في مهرجان "See Djerba"، وهو ما يعزز تأثيره في الساحة الفنية. منذ عام 2020، يمثل ياسين عضوًا متميزا في فريق INTERFERENCE

  • إلياس اليحياوي هو مهندس معماري انضم إلى INTERFERENCE في عام 2018. وقد ترك حبه والتزامه بالفن بصمة كبيرة خلال مختلف دورات المهرجان. حاليا، إلياس هو رئيس فريق الإنتاج

  • نبيل دخيل هو موسيقي وُلد في قابس، تونس. بدأ رحلته الموسيقية عندما كان في الـ 19 من عمره حيث استكشف الإيقاعات و الغناء بعد ذلك، شارك في تأسيس فرقة "Stambalio" وعمل على الحفاظ على الألحان والأناشيد القديمة

  • محمد عثموني، المعروف بـلقب "حمّا"، هو فنان سيرك تونسي محترف يرى الفن كقوة قادرة على تحقيق التأثير الإيجابي داخل المجتمع

  • يسري السويسي هو عدّاء تونسي متمرّس في فنون القتال، إكتشف عالم الباركور في سن الثامنة عشر مما ساعده على تكوين مسيرة رياضية استثنائية. و في عام 2018، أصبح واحدًا من أوائل المدربين الفدراليين في تونس

  • جيهان المكاري هي خريجة المعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس. تكوّن شغفها بالفن منذ طفولتها و منه عملت على تنمية مهاراتها ، حيث كان الرسم بالزيت أول نطاقات استكشافها

  • محمد علي سعدولي ("دالي") هو فنان ناشئ أصيل ولاية قابس يبلغ من العمر 24 عامًا و يحمل اهتماما عميقا تجاه مختلف أشكال الفن. تحصل على الإجازة في الفنون والحرف

  • ملاك الزوايدي هي فنانة تونسية انجذبت إلى عالم الفنون الأدائية منذ صغرها. بعد سنوات، قررت الغوص في هذا المجال حيث بدأت بتدريبها المسرحي في المسرح الوطني وأكملت برنامجًا لمدة 4 سنوات في المدرسة

  • محمد أمين حمودة هو فنان بصري واستاذ بالمعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بقابس. يعتمد عمله على البحث التجريبي الذي يستكشف ويسلط الضوء على الموارد الطبيعية لڤابس

  • Sana is a gifted individual originally from Tunisia, who is passionate about performing arts. Her initial taste of the professional scene came through a theater project, an experience that opened her eyes to the joy of the creative process and

  • Ghassen is a multi-talented artist hailing from Tunisia. As a self-taught musician, singer, and songwriter, he has forged his own path in the world of music. His creative palette is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of reggae, jazz,

  • Mariem, also known as YOTTO, is a highly accomplished individual. She earned her degree from the “Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts of Tunis” and further honed her expertise with a Master's degree in "Theories of Art." Her journey into the

  • Oussama is a hiphop dancer who firmly believes in the transformative power of art to inspire and nurture both awareness and talent in individuals.Throughout his journey, he actively participated in a variety of artistic experiences. These endeavors not only allowed

  • Feriel, often referred to as Farfalla, is truly driven by a profound passion for the world of theatrical dance. Her dedication to this art form is evident through her involvement in numerous artistic endeavors, one of which was a significant

  • Achref Guesmi, also known as "COUZ," stands as an exceptionally talented visual artist with a remarkable mastery of the domains of videography and photography. Through his art, Achref invites us to see the world through his unique perspective. His work

  • Amira is a rising artist who embarked on her creative journey after successfully completing her studies in the domain of painting. However, she didn't confine herself to the boundaries of traditional mediums. Instead, she eagerly ventured into the exciting realm

  • Haifa Ouerfelli, who also goes by the name "Ash," is a talented interior designer driven by a profound interest in contemporary art and the interplay of light. Her artistic journey has led her to actively delve into the fascinating world

  • Zeineb Kaabi is a remarkably gifted visual artist hailing from Tunisia. Her talents span a wide spectrum of artistic domains, including painting, installations, and design, showcasing her versatility and skill. What sets Zeineb apart on her artistic odyssey is her

  • Bader is an extraordinary teenager who stands out not only for his age but also for his remarkable talents and ambitions. At just 15 years old, he demonstrates an exceptional level of dedication and passion in multiple areas of interest.

  • Hamza is an exceptionally creative person, driven by a profound enthusiasm for agricultural and ecological endeavors. He also exhibits a keen interest in anthropological research and humanities. At present, he is immersed in the academic pursuit of socio-cultural anthropology, exploring

  • Raja is a driven artist who has been refining her creative talents since childhood. At present, her unwavering focus is on achieving a PhD in the field of “Aesthetics of Art and its Practice”. On her artistic journey, Raja has

  • Aicha Kchouk embodies a fascinating blend of artistic creativity and legal expertise. Notably, she has not only pursued her passion for the arts but has also committed herself to the rigorous academic path of law, culminating in the attainment of

  • Sheima Oukajja, AKA "MOU," is a 30-year-old actress whose artistic journey has been profoundly shaped by her formative years at the distinguished Acting School within the National Theatre of Tunisia. However, Sheima's artistic inclinations and talents extend far beyond the realm

  • Rayen Sammari, known as "Yunyu," is a multifaceted artist who transcends the boundaries of conventional creativity. From a young age, his heart has been captivated by the rich tapestry of arts, including music, dance, cinema, theater, drawing, and crafting. Notably,

  • Dorsaf Ben Saad is a highly accomplished professional in the field of acting and a dedicated theater instructor. She completed her academic journey with distinction, earning her degree from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Tunis. Her specialization lies

  • Sameur Hamrouni, also recognized by the stage name "Mawkli 7alazoun," is a hip hop dancer originating from Sfax. His passion for dance ignited in 1999 when he began dancing alongside his cousins who played a key role in tutoring him.

  • Iheb Ajroud is an artist whose versatility knows no bounds, as he actively participates in numerous facets of the arts world. His creative endeavors span across a wide spectrum, encompassing fields such as theater, cinema, dance, sound design, and lighting.

  • Ahmed Jlassi is an accomplished Tunisian photographer and artist, distinguished by his profound mastery of the aesthetics and practice of visual arts. Holding a Master's degree in this field, he has cultivated a deep understanding of the nuances that define

  • Aymen Gharbi is an architect, curator and culture producer, living and working in the Medina of Tunis. His curatorial practice has been dedicated to contemporary art in dialogue with cultural heritage since 2016. With a background as architect and cultural

  • Assem Bettouhami is a young Tunisian artist, actor, dancer, and director based in Tunis. He obtained a master's degree in "games and staging" from the Institute of Dramatic Art of Tunis (ISAD) with a focus on researching the body. Influenced

  • Her love for dancing began when she was little. She grew up listening to R&B music and found inspiration in the performances of artists like Ciara, Beyoncé, Shakira, and Missy Elliott in their music videos. At the age of 12,

  • Through her abounding dancing skills, Beya Ben Abdallah sublimely creates a unique sense of style. The latter is an infusion of gymnastics, contemporary dance and Sufi dance; making her all-around and adaptable. Although she is only 19 years old living

  • Ghassen Mrabet is an actor and director with a bachelor’s degree in theater from the pilot high school of arts el omrane(2018). graduate of the higher institute of art Tunis drama (2022). he got the best graduation project in his

  • A theater actress and civil society activist since 2016, starting with a model institute for the arts, to working in professional theater associations, with several participation in international festivals in Slovenia, Denmark and Italy, and local participation such as the

  • Tarak Bouzid, a professional choreographer and scenographer from Tunisia, born on February 19, 1991, and at 32 years old, with a Master's degree in research on visual arts. Tarak has worked on numerous professional choreographic works such as "Resurrection"

  • Khaoula Jarboui is a passionate dancer who has been filming short videos of herself dancing to trendy music since 2022. Her love for dance led her to explore different styles and techniques, and she continues to develop her potential

  • Amina Kraimi is a professional dancer who began her journey as a classical dancer at the Sergei Diaghilev Russian Ballet School under the tutelage of Inna Bouchnak. Her training there lasted for six years, during which time she honed her

  • Hatem Mabrouk is a talented freestyle dancer, choreographer, and deejay who has been making waves in the Tunisian hip hop scene for the past 15 years. He is a proud member of the respected Fallaga crew and the Bets5oun movement,

  • Thabet Bouglia, a Tunisian actor who has been passionate about theatre since 2013. Thabet started his journey at Dar Al-Shabab club in Sfax and gradually worked his way up through various theatre companies and organizations such as the Dramatic

  • Mouheb Ressil is a talented bboy who has made a name for himself in the Tunisian dance scene. He has participated in numerous battles and competitions, showcasing his skills and passion for bboying. In fact, Mouheb's dedication and hard work

  • Aymen Gabsi is a professional dancer with an impressive experience of six years in the field. He has been giving hip-hop and contemporary dance lessons for the last four years, making him a sought-after teacher in Tunisia. Aymen has had

  • Achwak Bennaji is a talented singer from Monastir, Tunisia, who has always had a passion for music. However, it wasn't until she started singing as a form of self-expression that she realized her true calling. Her voice was a powerful

  • Introducing Olfa Baccar, a 22-year-old business English student with an unwavering passion for dance. Growing up in Sfax, Tunisia, Olfa's love for dance began at a young age, where she would spend hours in her room learning and mastering choreographies.

  • MOUHANNED HAMMADI known by his stage name HENDI, is a talented hiphop dancer from Gabes, Tunisia. He is a member of the highly respected HIP|HIGH crew and has gained a reputation for his exceptional freestyle dancing skills. Hendi has participated

  • Born and raised in Bizerte, currently based in Tunis. Tunisia, Sami Hammami known as Kayd is a Tunisian dancer and choreographer. Getting knowledge and practice of different dance styles such as hip hop, jazz, break dance, popping, contemporary and acrobatics,

  • Within three disciplines, music, theater, and dance, Dali presents and investigates the queer community challenges in society and their situation in the art scene in Tunisia. He / They had 2 performances with L’Art Rue as part of Dream City

  • Nadia Tlich is a professional actor and puppeteer from Mednine, Tunisia, she graduated from the Higher Institute of  Dramatic Art and Theater in Tunis with a master's in performing arts and theater.  Following her academic studies in performing arts and theater,

  • Originating from Ketana, a small village located in Gabes in the south of Tunisia, Ali Belwafi dreams of representing his origin to the worldwide cinema awards, festivals, and events. Showing a tremendous passion for European scenarists, and filmmakers such as

  • It takes only some Afro music and everything will transform into Afro dance with Yassine Belgacem. Giving a very fresh and energetic spirit to the dance room, the Afro-dancer amazes us with his moving legs, Afro-house movement, and smooth techniques.

  • Getting attention for his special character, animation, waving and his backslide on the scene, Eslem who has only 21 years old has captured audiences through his incredible muscle movement and footwork techniques such as Gliding, floating, and sliding. From Gabes,

  • Presented as one of the few dancers in his town, Kebili, a Tunisian governorate located in the south of Tunisia, Salah works to animate the Kebili art scene in particular toward dance that has witnessed a lot of challenges and

  • With a study in industrial maintenance, Jacem Said has changed his career in his study field to focus on his passion to be established as a rapper. In 2011, he started to produce and show his songwriting via Slam or

  • Getting through gender dance stigma and societal challenges, Sarra Zaltni, at a very young age has passed challenging stereotypes to show up as a dancer in Mareth, a town located in  Gabes governorate, Tunisia. Her dance journey started with a