The role of art in fostering civic engagement

Art is widely recognized as a powerful tool for promoting civic participation and fostering social cohesion, a principle that lies at the core of the “Misahat Mushtaraka” program implemented by « Dancers Citizens South » organization. This project aims to create a safe space built on collaboration among different components of civil society and seeks to consolidate individual rights and freedoms. In the same context, this podcast features Mr. Houssin Rhili, a specialist in development and resource management at the Faculty of Science in Tunis, and Mr. Ahmed Guerfel, a professional artist and Executive Director of DCS organization.
This dialogue addressed the role of art in raising awareness about contemporary social, economic, and cultural issues, as well as the importance of networking a large number of associations to integrate the youth in public affairs. Mr. Houssin Rhili highlighted the outcomes of « Misahat Mushtaka » project during the period from June 2022 to June 2023 which included a series of initiatives. The most significant among them were invading public spaces through street art performances in five southeastern regions and panel discussions in cafés, with a strong focus on Art Bootcamps.
For years, our guest has been committed to solidifying the principle of equal opportunities for both females and males in relation to power and local affairs as a way to achieve social justice. This was one of the most crucial aspects that Mr. Houssin has shed light on in his publications and workshops over the past years.