الراقصون المواطنون الجنوب هي منظمة تهدف من خلال برامجها إلى دمج الشباب في الحياة العامة، ودعم ثقافة الحوار بينهم، وتعزيز قدراتهم الفنية في قطاعي الفنون الأدائية والبصرية.

Email:  contact@o-dcs.org‎ ‎ ‎
phone number:  (+216) 70 634 405


A theater actress and civil society activist since 2016, starting with a model institute for the arts, to working in professional theater associations, with several participation in international festivals in Slovenia, Denmark and Italy, and local participation such as the Carthage Festival and the days of Carthage, a play that reached her work as a dialog ambassador with the Danish youth center in the areas of hotbeds of tension and internal areas in Tunisia and abroad.