الراقصون المواطنون الجنوب هي منظمة تهدف من خلال برامجها إلى دمج الشباب في الحياة العامة، ودعم ثقافة الحوار بينهم، وتعزيز قدراتهم الفنية في قطاعي الفنون الأدائية والبصرية.

Email:  contact@o-dcs.org‎ ‎ ‎
phone number:  (+216) 70 634 405


Through her abounding dancing skills, Beya Ben Abdallah sublimely creates a unique sense of style. The latter is an infusion of gymnastics, contemporary dance and Sufi dance; making her all-around and adaptable. Although she is only 19 years old living in Sfax, where dance occasions are hardly occuring, she stands a ground of blooming as she continuously participates in regional dance competitions and training workshops.